Thursday, March 29, 2007

::Top Model:: Diana



Occupation: College Student
Age: 21

Hometown: Garfield, New Jersey

Photo Challenge: Gender Swap-Celebrity Couple

__Okay I was rooting for three girls this season and Diana happened to be one of them. This season Tyra Banks decided to have two plus size models in the competition one of which was Diana. The odds were against both Whitney (the other plus size model and my favorite girl) so I support them for having the strength to compete. The judges have always said that Diana was just a pretty face but not quite model material. She had been in the bottom two a few weeks ago which is not where any of the girls wants to be. They came to the conclusion that if this is what she really wants then she should take some time to work on it then try again in the future. Not for the show but to model.

**Please note that photo's from last weeks challenge have been removed from circulation. There was a complaint that the model murder photo's were advertising violence among women. Some people have nothing better to do with their lives but harass those who do.

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