Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Fabulous Rentboy Ad


Here is the new Rentboy ad that will be featured in the newest issue of the JustUsBoys magazine and I must say that I fucking love it. Now we have had many of fabulous ads in the past but none of them measure up to this one in my eyes. I am always happy to see what kind of new marketing material we will come out with next. I think that the better our ads are the more likely boys would be willing to give it a shot. I work my ass of recruiting and promoting new boys but it's ads like this one that make me proud!

Handful Of Fun

Playstation Portable

Thats right I went and spoiled myself yet again. Last night Travis and I were browsing through the game store trying to find some games for my Nintendo Wii since I am almost done with Zelda. After deciding on Mario Galaxy I was just browsing around while Travis looked at the Nintendo DS systems so he would have something portable to play.

Well I started to think about it and realized that I travel a lot myself and the only thing I have to keep my occupied is my ipod which is fun and all but not really all that entertaining. So I started to look at their hand held gaming systems which I narrowed down to either the Nintendo DS or the Sony PSP, I decided to get the Sony PSP since it looked more chic and I wouldn't look so juvenile playing it. The games for the PSP seemed to be a little more fun anyway *wink*

Rentboys Night Out

Friday, December 7, 2007
7:00pm until Closing

There is a Rentboy event coming up in the beginning of December that we are having at Hamburger Mary's and I couldn't be more excited about it. Everyone who has been to Hamburger Mary's knows that it is the place to go in West Hollywood as far as drinks and dinner. It should be a good experience for us as it is not held in a nightclub or circuit venue like most other events we throw so it should be a little easier to network and meet new people *wink*

If there was ever a good time to get the escorts out to an event it would be this one. This event would be a good opportunity to meet other escorts and possibly a whole new clientele. There is sure to be some old friends at dinner and plenty of new ones to meet. If you would like to find out more about the event then shoot me a message or check it out on Brandon's blog.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The New Baby

It has been a long time coming.....I finally got a new computer and I couldn't be more happy. For the past few months I have been having many problems with my laptop and just didn't think it would be worth it to take it in to get fixed. I mean it's a few years old and I figured that I could just get what I need off of it and erase the hard drive once I got a new one. Well now I have the new Apple MacBook which is absolutely fabulous. I haven't worked with an Apple system since I was in school but it' like riding a bike I'm sure. It should be a fun adventure learning the new system and what not. I am hoping to get the MacBook Pro soon to use for my Acid DJ and Photoshop work because it would be more efficient and is compatible with the digital turn tables I want *wink*

Behind The Camera

Adult Webmaster Empire

So here are some photos from the webmaster convention I attended with the fabulous Angel Benton. I must say that the seminars were a bit boring to me because I am just breaking into doing work behind the scenes and getting my website off the ground. I had to wait until the end of each seminar and get the synopsis from Angel. I ran into alot of people who knkew of me and of my blog which was actually quite flattering *wink*

In efforts to try to get things rolling with my blog, we have been working on setting up some affiliates accounts as well as getting me to actually sit down and post more often. After I have got things rolling in that department we are going to work on adding different types of content to my blog and start using it more as a marketing tool and not just a online journal. WORK BETCH! I really enjoyed spending the quality time with Angel when we are working on my site although he is very precise with his timing. He promised me an hour a week and boy that is all I get lol.

::ActiveDuty:: Big D

I found this big muscle boy on Active Duty and let me tell you how much I would love to get some kind of ACTIVE with him *wink*. I have always had a thing for muscle but kinda beefy guys which Big D totally has going for him. Now if I could just get him to wear a helmet I would totally have my fantasy fulfilled.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Post Holiday Party

[CockBlock] Thanksgiving
November 23rd

What are your plans tonight? If you have some time on your hands and looking to have a little fun and scandal then come out and spend some time with us at CockBlock. It is invite only so give me a call or get in touch with someone in the local Rentboy office to get on the list. See you there

Leave Of Absence

I'm more than aware that it has been nearly a week since my last post but I have been DEATHLY ILL and laid up in the bed for about 4 days. I just got out of it yesterday to go to the Thanksgiving Dinner at the Pimp Plaza. I was pumping my body full of anti flu medication and plenty of warm liquids to sustain me. I am feeling a hell of a lot better today than I was say Monday or so.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Subliminal Message Tee

I couldn't help but notice the other night while out with the group that my dear friend Brandon Baker had a shirt on that had greek lettering on the back which resembled both E and K. Not that I would ever imply anything just saying that it reminded me of a time about a year ago when he was so drunk that I could of believed that he was on more than just alcohol thats for sure. Good times with my buddies!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Working Things Out

Derreck Gomez

I have been spending a lot of time with Derreck which has been really great. We have been doing really good and things seem to be going as well as they could. It hasn't always been that way though and most of you probably remember all the problems we use to have but we have worked through most of them and I'm glad we did! Although there is now problems between Travis and I when it comes to Derreck and I spending time together at the house. It's gotten pretty ridiculous really and I don't feel I should have to be given ultimatums or be told who I can and can't have at the house.

Spicing Up The Holidays

ALRIGHT for Frederick's Of Hollywood using Dita Von Teese to bring in the holidays. It's about time too because that place is all about sex appeal and the whole "Pin-Up" look and there is no one who does that better than Dita herself! I absolutely adore her and everything about her. She is definitely one of the top ten sexiest women to have walked the earth in my eyes. I have yet to meet her myself in person but I hope to someday have the honor *wink*

:StockyGuyz:: Sonny

This guy from StockyGuyz almost didn't get posted because I had forgotten about a folder that I had his photos saved in. I am glad I found it though because that's where I kept some of my favorites. I like the All-American look this guy has along with his tattoos and semi smooth body, all things that make the ideal sex toy that's for sure! His cock is okay and if you look at the dick shots you can see it prefers the star on the left *wink*

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Paying The Ultimate Price

Iranian Official Confirms Gay Executions
Posted: November 13, 2007 - 11:00 am

(London) In a meeting between Iranian and British parliamentarians a high ranking Iranian politician has for the first time acknowledged that the Islamic state upholds the death penalty for homosexuality according to minutes of the meeting obtained by The Times newspaper.

The disclosure came during a peace conference - the Inter-Parliamentary Union - in May.

The Times obtained the minutes of the meeting under Britain's freedom of information law.

LGBT rights groups have reported for more than a year that gays were being executed but the government in Tehran has repeatedly denied the public hangings were for homosexuality.

In 2005 two young men hanged in a public square in northern Iran after were alleged to have been found guilty of homosexuality. (story) The government claimed they had been convicted of kidnapping and raping a male teen.

In May a western LGBT organization for gay Iranians says it has learned police have arrested as many as 87 gays at a private house party. (story)

Some international gay rights groups believe that more than 4,000 lesbians and gay men have been executed since the Ayatollahs seized power in 1979.

During the May meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union British MPs questioned Mohsen Yahyavi a member of his parliament’s energy committee about the reports.

The minutes, The Times reports, show that Yahyavi responded that gays deserve to be executed or tortured and possibly both,

"[He]explained that according to Islam gays and lesbianism were not permitted," the record states.

"He said that if homosexual activity is in private there is no problem, but those in overt activity should be executed [he initially said tortured but changed it to executed]. He argued that homosexuality is against human nature and that humans are here to reproduce. Homosexuals do not reproduce."

British Members of Parliament said they were shocked by Yahyavi's attitude.

"It is of great concern that these attitudes persist and we made it clear what we felt," Ann Clwyd, a Labor MP and head of Britain’s delegation told The Times.

In September President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad drew jeers and laughter during a speech at Columbia University when he declared there were no homosexuals in Iran. (story)

"In Iran we don't have homosexuals like you do in your country. We do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you that we have it," Ahmadinejad said.

Following My Expenses

This is the first month that I have actually been paying attention to where I spend my money and working on my new budget. I must say that I really never thought about how much you spend on the little things through out the month. Between catering to my overly spoiled dog and buying things to keep my house smelling good and sparkling personal spending limit has plummeted to practically nothing. Awww how am I going to get all the pretty things I want.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Battling The Sandman

So when did waking up in the morning become such a hassle? I remember back in the day when I could party all night and only get a few hours of sleep and still be able to jump up in the morning bright eyed and bushy tailed. These days I find myself going to bed early and waking up late and still feeling exhausted throughout the day, what the hell is really going on in my life. This morning was really rough on me to the point where I crawled out of my bedroom and just feel down on the floor in the front room. Thankfully I have Buster to come keep me company when I'm down and out WAKKA WAKKA

Finding The Cure

Troubling New Questions About Failed HIV Vaccine
by The Associated Press

(Trenton, New Jersey) New data on an experimental AIDS vaccine that failed to work shows volunteers who got the shots were far more likely to get infected with the virus through sex or other risky behavior than those who got dummy shots.

The new details, released Wednesday by drugmaker Merck & Co., don't answer the crucial question of whether failure of the vaccine also spells doom for many similar AIDS vaccines now in testing.

And researchers weren't sure why more of the vaccinated volunteers wound up getting HIV than those who got dummy shots.

Merck, based in Whitehouse Station, N.J., announced on Sept. 21 that it was stopping the study because the vaccine didn't work. It was a stunning setback in the push to develop an AIDS vaccine.

The vaccine is made from a common cold virus with three synthetic HIV genes tucked inside. It's designed to stimulate the immune system to kill any HIV-infected cells encountered in the future.

However, the researchers found that volunteers with pre-existing immunity to this particular cold virus were much more likely to get infected with HIV if they got the AIDS vaccine than if they got the dummy shot.

Some 3,000 people, mostly homosexual men and female sex workers, had volunteered to get the experimental vaccine or dummy shots. All were warned to protect themselves from AIDS exposure.

At the time the study was halted in September, Merck said said 24 of 741 volunteers who got the vaccine in one segment of testing later developed HIV; 21 of 762 participants who got dummy shots also were infected.

New data released Wednesday showed that to date, 49 of 914 vaccinated men became infected with HIV, compared with 33 of the 922 men who got dummy shots. Only one woman and a small number of heterosexual men were infected.

"In my mind, this doesn't damn anything," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said of the vaccine's failure. "It tells you you need to be very careful with every aspect" of vaccine design and testing. The international testing was partly funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Merck's head of medical affairs for vaccines, Mark Feinberg, said it could be a few years before further data mining and results of other drugmakers' vaccine tests clear up the mystery.

Source: 365Gay News

**I Know This Is So Bad But I Couldn't Resist**

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

::UKNakedMen:: Carl

I had forgotten all about this sexy man all the way from UK Naked Men until I was browsing through my archives on my computer and slapped myself for not posting about him sooner. I absolutely love the professionalism in these photos even though they are pornographic. There is just something about porn dressed up like modeling that does me in, not to mention the nice ripped body this baby has going for him.

Yummy Cafe Cuisine

I don't know why I have never noticed before but there are a lot of really delightful cafes and eateries right down the street from me. I have always heard that Silverlake is known for having good food and trendy shops but I guess I never really stopped to take a look around. It never really occurred to me to stop and try it until recently but boy I am glad I did because it is oh so good! Ever since I have had a fairly busy schedule out of the house and Travis has been working so has been good to sit down with a friend and do lunch.


Millies | Madame Matisse | Flore

Some Morning Fun

For like the past week or so I have had a raging hard on all through out the night for no apparent reason. It's actually kind of funny because I will get waken up if I roll over onto it or I'll end up getting blue balls YIKES! This morning I woke up flaccid and I must admit that it was the first time I was actually happy to be that. I mean usually I am all about being hard and all but at night it can be more of a pain in the ass (no not sexually) than anything. I guess I have been ignoring him lately so I should probably show him a little action and get him off my back. Poor Pedro

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Reading My Mind

Those of you who hang around me often probably know about my on going joke about wishing I had some blow darts so I can take down the hott guys I see walking around and carry them back to my cave...errr I mean my apartment! I have spent many hours online searching ebay and amazon hoping to come across some. Well I saw this commercial this morning and god dammit I fell out of my chair laughing so hard!

Maintenance Around The House

So yesterday while Derreck and I were in the shower the faucet had broken off the wall and flew forward landing at our feet. Now this would have surprised me if I hadn't already been telling the landlord for sometime that it looked kinda corroded and possibly needed to be changed. So I dried off and threw on some clothes and marched over to the landlords apartment with the faucet in hand. I knocked on the door and when he answered I handed him the piece and walked away without saying a word. I knew that he would know what that signified and sure enough within the hour the maintenance man knocked on my door and had the faucet fixed by mid afternoon.

I am sure that my house looked fairly peculiar yesterday because at one point I had two men from the cable company, a guy from the geek squad, and the maintenance man all in and out of my house. Now my hardcore readers will remember the hott mexican cable guy that originally installed my cable who I ended up hooking up with when he finished the job. Well none of the guys in and out of my house were anywhere near being hott so there was no temptation there!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Where Has Everyone Gone

Well it seems that I have ended up spending this weekend alone in my apartment which I must say is a good break from the usual. This weekend would be Palm Springs Pride which is one of the last pride events of the year and all of my friends are there partying it up. Unfortunately I was unable to attend because I had to be here for the cable guy to come by and some work that I had already had lined up for this weekend.

Travis is spending the weekend in Las Vegas with his family site seeing and gambling. It is kinda weird being in the house by myself but I guess I am enjoying it. I took this time to get some in depth cleaning done including steam cleaning my nasty carpets again. Poor little Buster and his nose must be tired of the smell of bleach by now but at least I keep the windows open to air it out. I am going to have to cut this one short because I have a date tonight but I will keep you posted more about that soon!

Military Cracks Down

Soldier Pleads To Guilty In HIV Case

(Fort Bragg, North Carolina) An HIV-positive paratrooper pleaded guilty to assault Thursday for knowingly having unprotected sex with a male teenager he met online.

Pfc. Johnny Lamar Dalton, who is a member of the 82nd Airborne Division, entered his plea during a court-martial at Fort Bragg.

A military judge sentenced Dalton, 25, to 40 months in prison. The sentence included a reduction in rank and a dishonorable discharge.

Dalton was ordered last November not to have unprotected sex after he was found to have HIV. State law also prohibits a person infected with HIV from having sex unless condoms are used and sexual partners are notified.

Doctors discovered the 17-year-old had HIV during a routine blood test, and his mother notified the military.

Dalton also pleaded guilty to violating a direct order, aggravated assault, committing an indecent act and using marijuana.

Source: 365Gay News

Friday, November 02, 2007

Day With The Girls

Last night I went to dinner with Angel Benton and Fuckin Travis at Chin Chin's Chinese Restaurant in Culver City. Angel was out tour guide and hostess of the night as he knows just about everything there is to know about the asian lifestyle including the cuisine!

It was absolutely amazing from the PotStickers appetizer all the way to the last drop of my Mango Ice Tea. I enjoyed spending time with my friends and catching up on recent events and gossip since we have all been so busy lately. Angel has been busy driving models around all week for the Naughty America shoot so that has kept his hands pretty much full not to mention the daily 3 post minimum he has for the JustUsBoys newswire. That didn't stop him from having some juicy gossip though you can believe that *wink*! Travis has had a deadline at work so he has been putting in late hours in the office so I haven't seen much of him. As for me well I have been waking up early every morning to PA at my friend Chris's studio and trying to work in clients and errands before it gets too late. So we had plenty to catch up on.

The food was absolutely amazing just let me tell you that. We started two orders of PotStickers, one chicken and one pork. They were very delicious and not too filling which is exactly what an appetizer should be in my book. There was like this mango flavored dipping sauce that went so well with them. Then for the main course we had Peanut Noodles, Beef & Broccoli, and Chicken Asparagus which was served family style so everyone got to enjoy the yummies. The noodles were CRAZY delicious although they were a little spicy and the beef was really nice. However my favorite dish was by far the chicken with asparagus which was covered in a nice ginger sauce and hit just the right spot on the way down.

Everything was just great and it made the night all that much better since our waiter was definitely a hottie. We were loving him up until the point he told us that the only dessert they carried was cheesecake due to some company problems. That didn't stop me from slipping a rentboy card into our bill holder thingy with his tip *wink*

Blast From The Past

Danielle Foxxx | Kristen Kyle | Kyle Foxxx

I was going through my AOL profile the other day and came across this photo in my photo album. This was a little over a year ago before I knew very many people out here and my entourage consisted of a handful of people. Danielle was always a good friend of mine and I was introduced to Kristen through a mutual friend. I always loved hanging out with those girls because they were both so beautiful both inside and out and made me feel good about myself. Ahhh those were the days!

LAPD Bans Discrimination Against Gays and Lesbians
November 02, 2007

The Los Angeles City Council agreed Wednesday to reinstate policies banning discrimination in the hiring and promoting of gays and lesbians in the Los Angeles Police Department.

According to a report in the Los Angeles Daily News, the 12–0 vote stemmed from a 14-year-old harassment suit filed by gay former police sergeant Mitch Grobeson against the LAPD. The council also agreed to pay $695,000 in attorneys fees for Grobeson, whose case in 1993 resulted in LAPD policy changes regarding discrimination.

Under the terms of the agreement, Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will reissue an executive order first issued by former mayor Richard Riordan banning discrimination in city agencies based on sexual orientation. In addition, the council agreed to improve training for officers on gay and lesbian issues, develop an outreach program to various organizations to recruit new officers, and change questions on background checks.

The LAPD under police chief William Bratton is actively recruiting gays and lesbians.

Source: The Advocate

May The Best Bitch Win

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Ghouls Goblings N More

Happy Halloween

Well at least thats what I would have said last night if I had run into you at the West Hollywood Festival. The original plan was to stay in and watch scary movies by candlelight by myself just to clear my mind of all kinds of shit but instead my friends dragged me out to the festival and I am definitely glad they did. The night didn't start off too great as I had been working all day and then had a client right after work which made my schedule very tight giving me little to no time to get ready, but once we got settled and ordered drinks it was just peachy.

It started with Travis and I getting some dinner at El Pollo Loco while waiting for Andy Kirra to get out of school and for Angel Benton to meet up with us to drive us to the festival. The best part of the night however was doing Angel's makeup in the middle of the restaurant and talking about gay sex like it was nothing. Once we scooped up Andy we were on our way and god knows we were on our way for like 3 hours because of traffic. Once we finally fought through the crowd and started making our way to Here Lounge I was good to go even though we had to stop every other minute for Angel to take photos with everyone who yelled out "SHOES" (which by the way he was Kelly for Halloween).

Once we got into the bar and got some drinks we made our way to the VIP area that Brandon had gotten which is were we officially started the party. There we met up with the whole crew including a couple of new hotties that I am guessing were friends of Brandon. Daniel (Brandon's boy of the moment) was looking kinda sexy although he had on daisy dukes and a ton of cosmetics but hey it was the one night to let go right? Fabrice was looking A-D-orable in what appeared to be a mix between little miss muffet and little red riding hood dress and cape. We ran into a number of others through out the night but due to the alcohol in my system I couldn't began to name them all. After a small drunken fall out with Travis followed by a trail of unnecessary tears, we made our way home where Travis and I cuddled up on his bed since I didn't wanna be all alone in mine for the night!

::ActiveDuty:: Brock

I saw this guy from the collection at Active Duty and instantly thought about my friend Tom up in San Diego. Not only is he a hott military boy with lots of tattoos but he also has some very sexy rosy cheeks that always turns me on. He has a very nice cock on him that I'm sure would be more than a mouthful. I wonder what his asshole looks like, I hope it's hairy and sweaty Mmmmm!