Saturday, March 31, 2007

Leave Of Absence

Spring Break:

[Warm Weather]
[Crazy Parties]
[Hott Boys]
[No Rules]

Where Is Everyone

What's Going On

__It seems that there has been a noticeable decrease in business over the past few weeks. Some of the boys have called and asked if it was just them or if it was just slow. Well it's been slow for the majority of us but it should pick up again soon. When determining the amount of business to expect over an amount of time you need to consider several different factors. It's a tricky business we find ourselves in so we have to take some extra precautions sometimes. Save some money just in case you hit a dry spell. Update your ad often with recent photos and descriptions of your services. Try to maintain contact with your regular clients so if things get slow you can try to set something up with one of them.

| Consider This |

::Parties:: Keep in mind that our clients are regular people just like us. They like to get out and have a good time with the rest of the crowd. Keep up with whats going on around the area as far as parties and events because they draw in thousands of people that includes some of our precious clients. It's usually only for a weekend and then things get back to normal soon enough.

::Vacation:: There's a good chance that if there is a holiday that business may be a little slow. Although most business men have these days off they may be taking this time to take a vacation or spend time with their family. This is not always the case of course but is a common factor to consider.

::Timing:: Another thing I've learned to keep in mind is the time of the month. Usually the beginning of the month business is prosperous because it's usually when the business men travel to work different cities. The middle of the month may not be as prosperous as it's the time of month we all receive of monthly responsibilities in the mail, that being our bills.

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