Saturday, April 07, 2007

::Industry News:: Link

:: LINK The Evolution::
__It’s a wrap for Chi Chi ‘s latest leather epic “Link: The Evolution.” The “Link” series returns after a six-year hiatus with 32, yes, you read that correctly, 32 hot Channel 1 guys for Chi Chi to put through their piggy paces.

__ The movie, filmed, appropriately, in an old meat packing plant, headlines All Worlds Exclusive Tommy Blade (right), along with Rascal guys Johnny Hazzard, Tyler Riggz, Cole Ryder, Eddie Diaz and Blake Riley, along with a couple of newbies, Robert Thorn and Nick Moretti. Oh – and Bobby Williams is back after his own hiatus from movie-making, along with Kevin Miles, from the “Final Link” film. Chi Chi blogs the movie with lots of behind-the-scenes dirt at the Channel 1 site.

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