Monday, March 17, 2008

Weekend Beach Trip

Santa Monica Beach

The other day it was a very nice day out and since I had just gotten back to Los Angeles I thought it would be a great idea to go to the beach. I called a few friends to see what they were up to and before long we had a group together. My friend Mark didn't get off work until about 3 so I called Destiny and told her (his name is Kenneth but we call him Destiny still) to get ready. I always love hanging with Destiny cause he is such a wild character.

When Mark picked me up we headed over to get Destiny at the San Vicente Inn. Once we picked her up the party started. We were getting trashed in the car before we even got to the beach. So by the time we made it to Santa Monica we were pretty much GONE. First thing we had to do was get into our swimming trunks so we headed to the bathrooms that turned out to be pretty dumpy which was actually kind of hott.

One of the funniest moments of the trip was when Destiny was chasing a seagull with a stone she found in the sand. We always make fun of the fact that Destiny is from the Islands and that she had to chase her food growing up. I will be dammed if the bitch didn't grab a stone and hide behind one of the pier columns waiting for a bird to come by. It was quite humorous if I do say so myself! After walking the beach for a while we came across this jungle gym type playground which we stopped at to play on the swings and stuff. While we were playing on the swings there was this absolutely gorgeous boy taking advantage of the rings to work out. I had got distracted for a bit and fell of the swings, it was fairly embarrassing.

On the way back to the car we stopped in some wet sand where I wrote RENTBOY in it and made Destiny snap a photo next to it. I figured what a fabulous way to advertise huh. There were also a few snap shots with the sun behind Mark and Destiny that came out quite artistic. In all it was a great day for many reasons. There is nothing better than spending the day with my friends and the best place to do that is the beach. My mind is always filled with alot of stress and stuff but when I am at the beach I am calm and at peace. It was really nice.

1 comment:

jimyvr said...

would've been even better if it's written "" *wink