Are You Fucking Serious ?!?!?!Okay now I like to think myself a fairly original person when it comes to my blog and the way I present it. As far as content goes and the way I market things, well I work very hard to come up with new and innovative ways to present my ideas to the target audience if you will. One being the whole presentation I do with the commas (::) such as with all my entries about hott boys. Now I want to point out something I came across in Chase Evans blog that I must admit infuriated me at first but then it just seemed sad so I figured I would at least help his cause.
Those of you who are faithful visitors will notice right away that not only did Chase Evans steal my idea but he stole word for word my entry about the whole deal. Now like I said I was originally pissed off that someone would go as petty as to copy my ideas and use my own words as their own but after thinking about it I guess I should just take it as a compliment right?!? I mean that just goes to show how fucking fierce I am that I got people copying me. So here's what I want you guys to do. Those who haven't voted already please go ahead and vote for Chase Evans because this obviously means so much more to him if he's going this far to win the damn award. I mean what does Most Versatile Escort really mean anyway, just a nice way of saying Most Sluttiest Escort right?!?
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