Monday, February 25, 2008

Escort Awards Get Makeover

That's right! Our little event has got a total makeover and I must say that it is looking fucking fierce. From what I hear they have a new boy working in the New York office that is doing all the graphic design and stuff for the company. Well I have to give that boy some credit because this shit is looking fierce.

You may have noticed that I have been campaigning a lot for the escort awards. It's not so much that I have to win the title, but since I was nominated it gets my competitive gene pumping so I at least have to try to win. There is some pretty tough competition though in the category I'm in so I doubt that I will sweep the category, but I really hope I win. Either way I am looking forward to the event and hope to see a lot of my friends there.

1 comment:

jimyvr said...

Hey isn't that the easter long weekend + your b-day weekend? Now I'm tempted to fly to LA :P