Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Costume Night In Wilmington
Posted by
10:57 AM
Monday, February 25, 2008
::RandyBlue:: Joey Sparks
Yes please! That's exactly what I would say to anything this boy would ask me to do. He is just one of those hott boys that has some sort of voodoo magic that makes you want to do whatever he asks. He has very sexy dark features which is one of my favorite things about a guy, he also has a very nice fuzzy ass that just makes me crazy. This would be another RandyBlue hottie as if you couldn't already tell.
Posted by
11:53 PM
Labels: Hot Boys, Porn, Randy Blue
Hott New Rentboy
Rentboy: Evan Foxx
Location: Las Vegas
Okay so I know that you guys are probably wondering why this escort has my last name, well that would be because he is my brother. Yea so I was working in the studio today and I get a call from Josh (now going by the name Evan) asking me to do him a big favor and make him a RENTBOY ad. Feeling like a proud parent I was more than happy to oblige and worked it out as soon as I got off work. If your in Las Vegas and looking for a good time I would suggest you hit him up. From what I hear he is pretty fucking fun *wink*
Posted by
9:30 PM
Escort Awards Get Makeover
That's right! Our little event has got a total makeover and I must say that it is looking fucking fierce. From what I hear they have a new boy working in the New York office that is doing all the graphic design and stuff for the company. Well I have to give that boy some credit because this shit is looking fierce.
You may have noticed that I have been campaigning a lot for the escort awards. It's not so much that I have to win the title, but since I was nominated it gets my competitive gene pumping so I at least have to try to win. There is some pretty tough competition though in the category I'm in so I doubt that I will sweep the category, but I really hope I win. Either way I am looking forward to the event and hope to see a lot of my friends there.
Posted by
8:41 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Holla At My Girl
Danielle Foxxx
I finally got back in touch with my good friend and mentor Danielle. She has been traveling a lot for work so contact with her has been few and far in between. Danielle and I go way back, she is pretty much the first friend I had when I came out here to Los Angeles well at least my first real friend. I was glad to hear that after her trip to Thailand she is finally coming back to Los Angeles. I can't wait to see her again.
Posted by
1:51 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
::RandyBlue:: Cody Springs
Now that I have stated my affection for the gorgeous Cody Springs, let me express how much I am loving these photos of Cody Springs and his scene partner Kyle Marx. They are both just some kind of out of control gorgeous so I have to give it up for RANDY BLUE on this one. FIERCE! You may notice that I am posting a lot of boys from both COCKYBOYS and RANDY BLUE and that is because I appreciate a lot of the art and beauty behind the content they provide.
Posted by
2:40 PM
Labels: Hot Boys, Porn, Randy Blue, Sex
Lets Get Something Straight
I must apologize for being absent for a few days. I have had some friends form out of town I have been entertaining not to mention dealing with getting back in school and all that good stuff. It seems though that in the few days I have been gone, my blog has stirred up quite a bit of commotion. I woke up this morning to an inbox full of emails abouut one of most recent entries about a certain transsexual model. I won't mention any names.(face it, Kyle’s blog is NOT fleshbot, gaypornblog, gayporntimes, etc.)
This is a quote I pulled form one of the emails I received from the model's agent. Now I never claimed to be anyone of those named sites. My blog is strictly MY experiences and MY opinions that I share with my readers and friends. Although I do want to take this chance to go ahead and clear up any confusion about there being lies in my posts, my life is plenty interesting and exciting with being an escort and model in the gay industry that I would never need to lie to make content.
I will share a little bit of truth with you on this however...
The same agent that has been bitching about my post and sending me hateful messages all morning had called me several times last summer asking me to come over and play with him. I believe he called himself a "dirty old man" but don't quote me on that because I could be wrong. I remember the phone calls quite well because I had to call around to my friends and find out just who this person was. NOW THERE IS SOME TRUTH FOR YOU!
Posted by
12:03 PM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Some Birthday Gift Ideas
Now I am definitely madly in love with any kind of graphic tee but I came across these shirts on KINK WEAR and instantly fell in love. There is something about this site that is just plain genius. For those of you who don't already know I will go ahead and put it out there. My birthday is right around the corner and if you want to get me something I would love then these tee shirts are an easy cheap gift idea.
Now this shirt is by far my favorite of all of them on the site. I am always look for a subtle way to tell boys that I swallow and this of course takes all the tension out of telling someone. There is just something about guys who swallow and swallowing myself that is a total turn on. I don't think I could hook up with someone that wasn't on the same page as me with this issue *wink*
This shirt is another one of my favorites. I like the fact that it has two meanings to it. The first of course would be the obvious that I am cocky and all about myself, which of course is some what true. The other meaning would be that I am COCK-Y and if you have seen what I'm packing in my Ginch Gonch's then you know that is some what true as well.
Posted by
2:40 PM
Silver Screen Sex Appeal
I believe it was last year that the movie THE COVENANT came out. The whole group had made an event out of going to see it at Grahams Chinese Theater here in Los Angeles. When I say the whole group I really mean the whole group, our group had taken up a whole row of seats in the theater. You would have thought it was a CHER concert or something. It was quite funny though because I remember knowing nothing about the movie and when I would ask Brandon Baker or Jason Sechrest about it the only response I got was...
"It has a lot of hott boys in it!"
Well the leading role was played by this really hott boy Steven Straight who also played the character Warren Peace on the Disney movie SKY HIGH. Other than those two roles he doesn't really have too much under his belt. I was watching some TV the other night and saw a preview for the new movie 10,000 BC and recognized the main character right away although I couldn't place his face until I sat down to the computer and looked him up. Sure enough it was no other than the sexy Steven Straight.
If you saw THE COVENANT than you know that Steven's shirt is off for a large part of the movie to show off his extremely toned and sexy body. The producers of 10,000 BC obviously wanted to use the same sex appeal because for a majority of that movie he is shirtless as well. It's too bad that SKY HIGH was a Disney movie because they could have used that same marketing strategy and opened up a whole new target audience.
Posted by
1:25 PM
::CockyBoys:: Alexander
Yet again I find myself posting about one of the gorgeous CockyBoys models. I woke up to find this hottie in my inbox the other day and I just had to add him to the roster of hott boys for my readers to check out. Although there aren't that many pictures of his cock I am guessing that it is uncut which you know gets him extra points in my book. I would love to get a feel or just feel up this boy with his nice tan sexy body and fuzzy ass.
Nip/Tuck | Gay Porn Edition
I am sure everyone remembers Stonie who just a few short years ago was burning up the gay side of the adult industry. You know I think that I started doing videos right after he had disappeared to Florida so I didn't really get to know him. Although we do share a lot of similar friends.
It's already fairly old news so I am sure everyone is already aware of the "change" that Stonie has recently undergone. I believe that he now goes by the name Brittany Coxxx which is funny because I believe that Danielle Foxxx (one of my best friends who dubbed me with her name) was originally considering Coxxx but decided to go with Foxxx, she knew she definitely wanted something with the triple X. Everyone knows that I have mad love for the transsexual girls, though not as much as Jason Carter *wink*, but I always find it humorous how some girls become such a DIVA once they become a full time woman.
Posted by
10:31 AM
Who The Hell Says That
Now I can think of so many things wrong with just this sentence alone. I was talking to my friend Meana from Las Vegas, who is a Drag Queen for those of you who don't know, and she was telling me that this guy she had been talking dirty to had said this to her. I instantly fell out laughing and knew I just had to blog about it. The things some people say in the heat of the moment.
Posted by
10:20 AM
::BoysPissing:: Cody

Posted by
9:35 AM
Labels: Boys-Pissing, Hot Boys, Porn, Sin
Friday, February 15, 2008
His Royal Highness
I don't know why but BUSTER always seems to lay in awkward position while he is resting. Most of the time it's on his back with his legs in the air (not a word Angel Benton) but that's only when he's sleeping. When he is awake he sits with his hind legs out behind him kind of like a Sphinx. Now I am a little rusty on my world history but I believe that Egyptians saw the Sphinx as a guardian of the land which was a good thing but to the Greeks it was the demon of destruction. It's crazy how different cultures can see things.
Posted by
7:19 PM
Labels: Around The House, Buster, History
Dealing With Some Demons
Okay so I guess it is time for me to address an issue that has been bothering me for quite some time. There are a few parts to this entry leading up to the big fall out I had with new CockyBoy Andrew Blue. Keep in mind that Andrew Blue and I just met in Vegas during HustlaBall where he came up to Angel Benton and I and asked if I was Kyle Foxxx and introduced himself. Since them he and I have been staying in touch and chatting once in a while.
Well about a week ago Andrew and I were texting each other back and forth when he mentioned that the scene he did with CockyBoys was up on the site and that he wanted to know what I thought. So I took a few minutes to check it out since I am a member of the site (because alot of the content is super hott). When I finished watching it I told him it was a pretty nice scene but that I didn't think that it was the strongest performance from Derreck Vinyard who was his scene partner. Well I don't know what the fuck crawled up Andrew's ass but he went off on this tangent saying that I just didn't like it because he was straight and all this crazy bullshit.Now this would be the perfect time for me to go ahead and address another issue. It is common knowledge that I am strongly against straight models in gay porn for a number of reasons, but that doesn't mean I do not appreciate their work if it's good at all. I have met plenty of straight guys who model for the gay industry and they have been totally cool about the whole thing which doesn't bother me as much, what really gets me is the assholes who look down the gay men and claim to be straight in attempt to avoid coming to terms with the fact their a faggot themself such as ANDREW BLUE. Now that I have got that out of the way we can move forward with the story.
Well I had just stopped replying to his messages and forgot about the whole thing. A few days had gone by and he text me again asking me if I was going out to TigerHeat to see Janet Jackson and mentioned meeting up to dance together. Well things got a little crazy inside the bar with Janet's security and all so I wasn't able to meet up with him but text him when I got back to the car to tell him we should take a rain check. Thinking we were back on good terms I text him the next day to see what was up when I got a reply back saying something like "Don't fuck with me, I'll fuck you up. Everyone's got my back". I had been drinking that night so I'm not sure exactly what I text back but from what I hear I told him that I would ruin his career or something to which Dean Newton (owner of CockyBoys) and some other people got upset over.
Truth be told, I don't give a fat baby's ass who got upset over it. What I said was nothing against the company he works for or anyone involved with it so they just shouldn't get involved. Although I was drinking I don't say anything I don't mean. If I had to there is no doubt in my mind I could bring his career to a screeching halt either by pulling a few strings or just by sheer force. I won't give away all my secrets just know that I could make it happen lol *wink*
Posted by
9:17 AM
The Award Goes To
This weekend will mark the 10th Annual GayVN Awards out in San Francisco. The group is making their trip up there this morning to get settled in and ready for the party that Rentboy is throwing in celebration of the awards. Originally I was going to join with and attend the awards for my first time but my friends from Las Vegas are coming and I want to be here for her birthday.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
::RandyBlue:: Jeremy Walker

Posted by
6:38 PM
Labels: Hot Boys, Randy Blue, Sex
Birthday Wishes For My Girl
You may remember my post about HustlaBall where I mentioned the fierce fucking drag queens I met while in Las Vegas. Well they are planning a trip to Los Angeles this weekend for Syren's birthday and I couldn't be more fucking excited. As if it wasn't fierce enough that Syren is going to be here but Meana is going to be here with her and that is something to get excited about. I can't wait to see what kind of trouble I can get into with my girls...
If you are interested in hanging out with all of us fierce bitches than shoot me a message and I will send you some details. If you just want to swing by and wish Syren a fierce fucking birthday than come by the Tower Room at HERE LOUNGE on Saturday night.
Posted by
5:57 PM
Showing Some Fucking Love
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
::CockyBoys:: Victor
Posted by
11:44 AM
The Bitch Is Back
I am so sorry it has been a few days since I have sat down and updated my blog. Just haven't been at my computer at all lately but now that I am back home and have my laptop there will be plenty of updates coming your way. You would think it's funny because although all the computers in my house are laptops I still don't really take them anywhere.
Posted by
11:36 AM
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Brotherly Love
I'm So Excited.....
You know Josh and I have always been close so seeing him in Las Vegas this past time and getting to spend time with him just made me want to be with him all the time. So we are making arrangements for him to come out here and be with me for the weekend of the escort awards. I can't wait to hang out with him and show him around Los Angeles. YAY
Tender Loving Care
Your probably wondering why I am up anytime before noon well I have an appointment at the groomers to go get BUSTER taken care of. He needs a haircut desperately not to mention his nails clipped so I can't wait to see my baby when they are done. I go to a place down the street that is really gay friendly and does a great job, BUSTER really likes the guys that work there so I hope he has fun today.
1639 Silverlake Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Posted by
7:42 AM
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
::RandyBlue:: Lukas Vick
Posted by
2:56 AM
Labels: Hot Boys, Porn, Randy Blue, Sin