Thursday, January 11, 2007

What's Going On

"Why is business so slow?"
"I'm not getting many calls."
"What's going on?"

__ I have talked to several escorts lately and the topic of interest seems to be the lack of business or calls from clients. Some boys thought that it might have to do with their profile or that their clients weren't satisfied. Well I can't speak for the clients so there's no telling what their reasons are but I can give you some idea of what some of the possibilities could be.

__One of the more recent ones would be the Las Vegas Hustlaball going on this month, this event draws in clients from all across the country who enjoy the scandalous sexy side of the industry. This is nothing to worry about however it only last a few short days and things should be back to normal in no time. Another possibility (a client brought this to my attention) could be that it's the beginning of a new year which means that most businesses are getting their year end reports and taxes together, this may cause some clients to have a bit more work than usual. Once again this is a temporary issue so just wait it out. One last possibility I can offer is that most people are still recovering from the holiday season, those families that go all out on Christmas or have had out of town guests require a little time to regain the finances they spent for the occasion. This may take a bit longer to recover from than the other possibilities but they will come around in due time.

__ Brandon Baker had a good suggestion to help with the problem. He suggests that you call or email your regular clients to say hello and let them know your thinking about them. Tell them that you enjoy the time you spend together and that it would be great to see them again soon. Don't sound desperate or pushy just make it a simple note. This will also let the client know that you don't just see them as work but more on a personal level as well, this could prove beneficial for you in the long run as well!

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