__ I have decided to set several resolutions for myself this year in order to better myself and attempt to improve my life for the better. Not that my life is so bad or anything like that, but there are some points in my life that could definitely use improvement. One of the resolutions I have set for myself is to try to avoid having meaningless sex or "hookup" with boys! Trust me this is going to be one of the hard ones for me to keep, I love sex just as much as the next gay male but it has caused a lot of issues in my past so I am trying to avoid the same issues from happening again.

__ I will continue escorting and doing videos of course as thats what I enjoy doing, and consider to be the most part of my income. I guess that ties into another one of my resolutions which is getting a part time day job in order to feel like I'm doing something outside of the gay porn industry. I'm hoping to meet some new friends and get another scene going for myself that I can enjoy. Not that I don't enjoy the scene I'm in but it would just be nice to have an alternate you know!?!?
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