Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Phone Call Doozy

Angel Fuckin' Benton!

So I was hanging out with some friends the other night when Rhianna started blaring from my phone which I usually dance around to for a minute before actually realizing my phones ringing. I wasn't going to answer it but when I glanced at the phone and saw Angel Benton's name flashing across the screen I picked it right up.

Now I can't really remember what the details of our original conversation were but then Angel randomly says that he is glad we were spending more time together and enjoys our friendship (something to that effect). Without missing a beat I informed him that if he was trying to have a sentimental moment it wasn't going to work because that would require me to show emotions. We both laughed and joked about the void I have where my soul should be which I consider to be both a gift and a curse. Well although I didn't get all mushy I hope Angel knows he is very special to me as well and am thankful to call him my friend!

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