Tuesday, December 18, 2007

JustUsBoys Blind Item

Okay so I got a call from Angel Benton the other night informing me that I may want to check the JustUsBoys newswire when I got home if I felt like smiling, or as Angel puts it "getting a hug from jesus". When I got home I scrolled through a few posts and automatically knew which one was for me. Now it is a BLIND ITEM so there was no name mentioned by Angel Benton nor JustUsBoys so this is totally my guess....but I'm almost certain that I have picked up on enough clues to make a educated guess as to who the individual in question is.

"Which current "It" twink of gay porn had better watch what he says and who he says it to? All that piss that he just loves to drink is NOTHING compared to the verbal diarrhea that has been coming out of his mouth. An example: He recently almost had a big studio shoot canceled because he didn't want to work with a specific model because he said that model "had done all this bareback porn in the past" and was HIV+. Well, not only were BOTH statements untrue (the scene partner in question hasn't even been in the industry for a full year and has NEVER done anything bareback on camera, and JUST had a full panel STD test, required for one of the websites he just shot for, and he is clean as a whistle), but "It" boy is the LAST person to make those allegations. Not only has made more than a few bareback movies himself, but one of the producers of those films called all of his scene partners and said, "If you have ever done a scene with XXXXXX, you should go get tested because he just tested positive for HIV." So is this a case of "Methinks he doth protest too much," or "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones," or any other cliche' that you can think of? Oh well, if he keeps up this attitude, he won't continue to be on any year-end lists. I would wish him well with his newest business venture, but I'm afraid that would fall on deaf ears."

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