Posted by
2:53 AM
Labels: Hot Boys, Porn, Randy Blue
Thanks For Nominating Me...
Now I Need Your Vote To Win!
:Cast Your Vote Here
:: Locate "Most Versatile Escort" Category
::: Choose "Kyle Foxxx" Option
:::: Select One Nominee In Remaining Categories
::::: Click "VOTE!" Button To Submit
Okay now like the headline says LET'S BRING THIS HOME! The hard part is over now I made it through nominations and am placed in a category so all that's left is your votes to help make me number one! I appreciate all of the support and appreciation that has been given to me from everyone especially the sweet emails flooding my inbox. Thanks for everything because I couldn't have done it without ya *wink*
Posted by
11:05 PM
Well I must say that this one comes as no surprise considering all the attention this boy has been getting lately which unfortunately seems to be all negative. I don't know how much of it is true but there are some parts that I am able to say are definitely not false information since it includes several friends of mine. I won't go into details but I would recommend reviewing the previous blind item by clicking the link provided in this entry. Angel Benton is fucking fierce when it comes to writing blind items so that the answer is vague enough to keep his nose clean but clear enough to guess.
Now, this is the first time that I have actually done a second blind item about the same person. So, to refresh your memory, let's revisit THIS entry. Now whenever my cohort Ted Casablanca does more than one blind item about a particular celebrity, he gives them some kind of cute nickname. (For example, people are CONVINCED that his "Toothy Tile" is actually Jake Gyllenhaal. My only thought about that is, "What the hell kind of a name is TILE??") So, let's call this particular young man, Exclusive Elroy. His studio recently canceled an entire shoot (not just one scene) because Elroy had contracted something. What was it? I'll give you a hint, it's three letters and it starts with H and ends in V. Oh but wait, that middle letter isn't an I, it's a P! Poor Elroy thought that Human Papilloma Virus was only something that girls caught, which led to cervical cancer. Well, while that can definitely happen, guys get HPV as well, which can manifest itself as ANAL WARTS. That's not exactly optimal for one of the best bottoms in the industry, is it? Hopefully his particular case is treatable and Elroy will be back in front of the cameras before you know it.
Posted by
9:37 PM
Labels: Blind Item, Entertainment, Hot Topic, Porn
Posted by
9:57 PM
Labels: Entertainment, Hot Boys, Music
Posted by
8:58 PM
Labels: Active Duty, Hot Boys, Porn, Sin
Rentboy: Shane
Location: Las Vegas
So normally I don't make mention of new Rentboy's because you can catch them on PartyWithBrandon and I don't like treading on other people's territory. However this is a special case since the boy I'm mentioning happens to be dating my brother (for those of you who don't already know he's not actually my brother just one of my best friends) and for that reason he should get a little shout out. You can check out Shane's Rentboy ad HERE to see if you like what he has to offer and possibly meet up with this hottie.
Posted by
8:20 PM
CSI Miami
I am not one to usually be all about any of these cop shows that are on these days. Hell I never really liked the original CSI which my mother use to watch faithfully my last few years of high school, but there is something about CSI Miami that is more sexy with an edgy feel which has caught my attention.
Now I would be lying if I said the hott men had nothing to do with me enjoying this show. There is one man in particular that causes a rise in my pants and thats Eric Delko who is one of the investigators. Eric's character is played by this hott Puerto Rican guy named Adam Rodriguez, I don't know Adam from anything else but his character here is enough to make me want to watch it more and more. There is something about his look that is just different from the usual Hispanic boys I find attractive but I'm Okay with that!
Posted by
7:21 PM
Labels: Celebrity, Entertainment, Hot Boys, Television
Super Mario Galaxy
Ever since I have had the Nitendo Wii gaming system the only game I have played on it is Zelda although I have bought several other games. The other day was the first day I had taken Zelda out of the system when I decided to play something else, when I pulled out the other games from the entertainment center I noticed that I had bought Super Mario Galaxy.
Now that is FIERCE because I have been wanting this game like crazy and it's been sold out everywhere. Don't ask me how I got it or where it came from because I couldn't begin to tell you. This wouldn't be the first time however that I have had something come into my possession and not know where I got it. Either way I am stoked to have it and look forward to many long hours with my home boy MARIO!
Posted by
12:31 AM
Labels: Entertainment, Gifts, Shopping
Okay so I got a call from Angel Benton the other night informing me that I may want to check the JustUsBoys newswire when I got home if I felt like smiling, or as Angel puts it "getting a hug from jesus". When I got home I scrolled through a few posts and automatically knew which one was for me. Now it is a BLIND ITEM so there was no name mentioned by Angel Benton nor JustUsBoys so this is totally my guess....but I'm almost certain that I have picked up on enough clues to make a educated guess as to who the individual in question is.
"Which current "It" twink of gay porn had better watch what he says and who he says it to? All that piss that he just loves to drink is NOTHING compared to the verbal diarrhea that has been coming out of his mouth. An example: He recently almost had a big studio shoot canceled because he didn't want to work with a specific model because he said that model "had done all this bareback porn in the past" and was HIV+. Well, not only were BOTH statements untrue (the scene partner in question hasn't even been in the industry for a full year and has NEVER done anything bareback on camera, and JUST had a full panel STD test, required for one of the websites he just shot for, and he is clean as a whistle), but "It" boy is the LAST person to make those allegations. Not only has made more than a few bareback movies himself, but one of the producers of those films called all of his scene partners and said, "If you have ever done a scene with XXXXXX, you should go get tested because he just tested positive for HIV." So is this a case of "Methinks he doth protest too much," or "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones," or any other cliche' that you can think of? Oh well, if he keeps up this attitude, he won't continue to be on any year-end lists. I would wish him well with his newest business venture, but I'm afraid that would fall on deaf ears."
Posted by
12:17 AM
Labels: Boys-Pissing, Entertainment, Hot Topic, Porn
Christina Milian
You may remember Christina Milian from a few years ago with her hit "AM to PM" and the sexy number "Dip It Low" which happens to be one of my favorite numbers. Well as I was watching some music videos yesterday I saw an advertisement for a Family Christmas Movie titled "Snowglobe" which stars Christina Milian.
Posted by
11:36 PM
Labels: Diva, Entertainment, Hot Topic
Posted by
9:21 AM
Labels: Hot Boys, Maskurbate, Porn, Sin
I know it doesn't seem like that big of a deal to most people but to me it is a matter of life and death (kidding kidding). I use Photoshop every day for images I plan on using on my blog and for designing stuff for my website. So it has been hell for about the past week because I don't have Photoshop on my new laptop because it's a Mac and the program I have is for PC.
I'm sure that I am not the only one operating on a Mac these days so there is a good chance that there is someone out there has the Adobe Photoshop program for a Mac and if so it would be absolutely fabulous if I could somehow get my hands on a copy of it. The idea of paying about half a grand or more on a program kills me but it is important so help me out guy *wink*
Posted by
7:37 AM
Labels: Entertainment, Interests, Work
Posted by
3:03 AM
Labels: Entertainment, Interests, Just Kyle
Posted by
2:34 AM
Angel Fuckin' Benton!
So I was hanging out with some friends the other night when Rhianna started blaring from my phone which I usually dance around to for a minute before actually realizing my phones ringing. I wasn't going to answer it but when I glanced at the phone and saw Angel Benton's name flashing across the screen I picked it right up.
Now I can't really remember what the details of our original conversation were but then Angel randomly says that he is glad we were spending more time together and enjoys our friendship (something to that effect). Without missing a beat I informed him that if he was trying to have a sentimental moment it wasn't going to work because that would require me to show emotions. We both laughed and joked about the void I have where my soul should be which I consider to be both a gift and a curse. Well although I didn't get all mushy I hope Angel knows he is very special to me as well and am thankful to call him my friend!
Posted by
6:35 PM
Blind Date With A Crack Whore
Fred & Propecia
This video has been playing on my computer non stop since this morning when my friend Brent had pulled it up on YouTube. I know it is a little out of control but how could I resist the opportunity to provide my viewers with some good old racial humor. The funny thing is that as I was listening to the video I realized that I know some girls that actually have some of the same characteristics and sound similar to Propecia.
Posted by
7:01 AM
Posted by
8:04 PM
Labels: Desire, Hot Boys, Porn, Sin, UK Naked Men
Christmas Spirit......
Believe it or not I never really got into Christmas much until just recently. I guess it never really appealed to me as a child because my family never had a big celebration so I didn't understand what all the hype was about. However for the past couple of holiday seasons it's been a totally different story. Since I have moved away and have only been going home for the holidays, my parents have made it more of a celebration when I'm there. Aside from the time I spend with my family, I also enjoy taking the chance to spend some of the special times with my closest friends. There are so many places I wish I could be at once during the holiday season so picking who to spend it with can be a bitch at times.In an effort to make the final step to ditch my title as the grinch I have decided to put up a tree and decorations this year. Travis and I put up the tree a few days ago so it's been sitting in the living room with no ornaments or anything yet because I want to make sure that Buster isn't going to knock it over or chew it up. Originally i wanted to keep it simple and just do a tree with a classic look at thats it, but now I think I'm going to go all out with wreaths and stockings and the whole nine yards *wink*
Posted by
7:43 PM