Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Birthday Blessings


Guess Who's 21

Happy Birthday......

__ Last night was definitely one for the books let me tell you. I am blessed with so many good friends and I am thankful for all the efforts they made to ensure I had a pleasant birthday experience. First off Justin and Travis are so sweet, I mean they went out of his way to show me a great time from the moment I woke up with to a birthday cake illuminating with 21 candles. Then we went to all the places I couldn't get into prior to my being of age. I cruised several bars and clubs early in the night. So it should come to no surprise that I was trashed before night fall. Between Fuel, Fiesta, and The Abbey I think we spent well over a couple hundred big ones, but hey you only turn 21 once right!?!?

__ After I returned to the house around 8 or so to relax for a bit and then got a call from the lovely Brandon Baker. Now if I had expected anyone to forget about my birthday it would have definitely been Brandon. I love him dearly but we all know he couldn't make it to his own funeral on time if he even made it at all *Love you babe*. After he went home and took a shower the beautiful boy took me to a lovely dinner at P.F. Changs which included a really delicious Mojito drink and some awesome conversation. I really enjoy hanging out with Brandon...I really wish we could do it more often. Afterwards we went to his house to watch a screening of the new release Boy Culture which portrays the life of an escort who doesn't know how to handle falling in love. It's a really great movie. When it was all said and done the lovely Angel Benton gave me a ride back to my house since he was leaving the Porno Palace as well.

__ I must admit that although I miss my family like crazy, I still had a lovely time this year. There was a little doubt in my mind that I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself as it was my first year I spent my birthday away from my friends and family back home but hey I had a blast. When I stop and think about it... I am really blessed with some wonderful people in my life that make the unpleasant journey at times that much easier.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He meant "Mojito" not "Midori", they both start with a M. does the second word in TOO MUCH. *wink* I am glad that you think I forget that much stuff. I believe most people know as well. It leaves more room for me to fuck up and still get away with it. *wink*
Happy day after your birthday, Kyle Foxxxx.