This is something that I was trying to avoid but it has gotten to the point where I feel I have to speak up and defend myself. To be completely honest this shit is getting old real fucking quick and it's not going to take too much more before I loose my cool! I pulled some quotes from Brandon's Blog in order to give you an idea of what has been going on......
- Kyle Foxxx was there with a guy that I am guessing is a new romance. (They were pretty ummmm... hands on all night.) I think I heard right when I heard Chris was his name. I don't know and was not told so I will stay away from claiming I know. I wish I knew how to answer people when they asked, "Is that his new boyfriend?" Actually, I wish I could convey to people how much I don't like to be confronted with that question. (I don't care how much I know I SHOULD be able to deal with it, I don't want to.)
I am very juvenile at times and tonight was one of them, I will be the first to admit. I still am so uncomfortable around Andy and now Kyle when they are with someone new, that I choose to stay away from it at this point.
I am at a feeling of resentment that I am not with them, silly 'cause I have not guided my own confidence to move on, and graciousness that I can still have them in ANY capacity in my life. It's too strange for me, so when I got a text message that the wife beaters were on the way, I think they meant Andy and Eric, I slipped out and went for a walk in West Hollywood.
I would rather not sift my emotions out at a nightclub when I am uncomfortable with my own feelings anyway. I mean could I possibly swing the sword any more selfishly? I can't handle being boyfriends with Kyle, I never got there with Andy, but I won't tolerate seeing them with someone else.I know there is going to be a time when I can't get out of it, but so far, it's worked for me. I always say hi, stay cordial and choose to remove myself from being uncomforatable. I am glad they both have someone special enough to share nights like that with each other. I just don't want to see it*************************

-Oh and I just want to point out that just because I quoted from Brandon's blog does not make him the source of the problem. I have heard shit from all angles but right now all I am concerned about is resolving the situation.
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