Friday, December 22, 2006
Fuckin Holidays
__This year I am going to spend the holidays with my friends and family back in North Carolina, I'm not a big fan of this time of year but this year is different because it'll be the first time in several years that I will see both Cicero and Josh (who I am very close with and see as family) together. We were the best of friends for years but as we got older we drifted apart. I moved away to Los Angeles to start a new life and Josh joined the Air Force and was shipped to Turkey for duty, Cicero decided to continue building a life for himself in our hometown so he started working with a nearby business that would provide him a comfortable lifestyle.
__ We have been through so much together both good times and bad. There has been times where one of us wasn't talking to the other but we always work things out and move on with our lifes. It seems that for every weakness that one of us may have another makes up for. What I see as a weakness in me, Cicero or Josh may see as a strengh in them. When it comes to me I like to think I keep things some what balanced, I'm sure it's not a perfect balance but hey....nothing's perfect right?
__ The original plan was to leave Wednsday morning and land in Wilmington by that night, but things didn't quite work in my favor that day so things were set back. All flights going to Charlotte (that's where flights connect since Wilmington is so small) were over booked and since I fly standby that puts me at the bottom of the list to get a seat. The lady was very sweet and suggested other days to try to travel but I just called my friend who does my flights and asked him for help. I've always heard how crazy airports are during the holidays but never experianced it untill now. It's out of control with people everywhere and flights being changed left and right. The frustration and aggravation involved in this type of situation is what I usually try to steer away from, but because of the circumstances I am forced to endure the agony of holiday travel
__ Currently I'm in Phoenix, AZ waiting to see if either of the flights heading to Charlotte will have a seat available, if by chance I am unable to come across an available seat I am going to spend the day with my friends here and try again in the morning. There is alot I could catch up on if I do end up staying here this evening so it wouldn't be a complete loss. It may be alot of work and a struggle just to get home, but it will be worth it when I am with the ones I love.
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11:12 AM
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Hey you! Hope you have a great time back at home. Have fun and stay safe...
Come back safely!
Have fun, stay out of trouble. ...and yes, for you, that means out of the bathrooms.
Merry Christmas. Hope you have a great holiday.
- Jeremy
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