Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Spontaneous Road Trip

San Francisco Baby

This past weekend was definietly a crazy one. Instead of doing the regular routine I went with my wild side and decided to do something spontaneous and out of the ordinary, so I went on a road trip to San Francisco with a boy that I had only known for a few days. The best part about it was I didn't have to pay for a thing!

The boy was fun to hang out with and he was definitely a cutie but I think that it was a little premature to be taking a road trip with. Many times throughout the trip I could feel myself getting irritated or annoyed with some of his mannerisms. It was a great vacation away from home. I got to hang out at some of the fabulous bars that I had enjoyed the last time I was there and I got to make some money. There's nothing better than making money while on vacation lol

1 comment:

trav_muroki said...

No more weekend getaways wit strangers... unless the price is right.