Saturday| Shopping:Foreplay:FightsSaturday morning we woke up fairly early and had us some salsa eggs and sprite. Phillip was hung the hell over not wanting to be up at 10 in the morning but I was all in his mother fucking ear bright and early waking him up! So we were going to this Tea Dance Pool Party and we were going to go shopping and let our hair down cause thats hardly ever when we both get to do that. We were going to start drinking very early and try to have cocktails in our hands before noon but we didn't meet our goal cause there was an important phone call that came through... so we didn't leave until a little after noon. The whole reason we were going out though was to buy me some trunks to look cute in at the Tea Dance.
HARVEYS!!!! Yes we went back for round 2 at the good ol corner restaurant where we saw Falcon model Derrick Hanson as well as a Randy Blue exclusive that I could not remember the name of. Then walked around looking in all the hot ass underwear stores. We then went to the famous HOT COOKIE shop in the castro. Let me tell you just how fierce this place is. All the boys that work there are absolutely gorgeous and they make the best home made cookies which come in fun shapes like cock and boobs. I took this chance to stop and flirt with this gorgeous baker who was putting a fresh batch of cookies in the oven. After getting us a bag of cookies which I forced Phillip to help me eat, we kept walking and found this hot little designer shop which I ended up buying my swimming trunks from (which was just a dark pair of booty shorts). This asian boy came out from trying on a suit and as she walked to the front counter she was giving you America's Next Top Model with her little catwalk. Phillip would whisper "Pussy Pussy Pussy" as she would walk and then when he would turn around and look, Phillip would pretend to look at something on the racks. We decided to eat a Barracuda which is this lovely place that had pink bottomless mimosa's which were fucking amazing and it got us so much more fucked up. When we finished lunch we heard some music as we were leaving coming from next door. I was like "lets go in here and get one more drink" but John didn't want to but said he would meet us at the bookstore down the street so we went in. As we were drinking and dancing the house down this hot lesbian comes and starts to dance with Phillip and then said "You boys are fierce, I am a bartender here so come by tonight around 8 and I will hook you up!"
So after that we left and headed back to the house. We get to the house and are both just totally drunk already (keep in mind it's around 2 in the afternoon). We go upstairs and Phillip sits on the toilet to go pee and I am on the floor in front of the bath room with my pants around my ankles just laughing our asses off at nothing in particular. Then next thing I know I wake up on the floor beside the couch with no idea how I got there and see Phillip in the dining room on his computer. It was like 9 at night then which means we slept right through the Tea Dance but I didn't let that ruin anything, I sure did jump right up and yell to Phillip to start getting his ass ready.
As we are getting ready I am texting my friends Trevor Jayden and Cody Hart to see where they are so we can meet up with them. Let me just take this moment to tell you how much I adore these boys and it made the night all that more interesting to meet up with them later that evening. MUAH! So we get dropped off near the Castro and start heading to the hot spots when I realize that I left my wallet at the house. FREAKING OUT....I call Jon and ask him to run it to me as we wait on the corner he dropped us off at. I know I know I need to stay off the corner these days. Once I got my wallet we were on the way to meet up with the boys which was more of a task then it sounds because it was super packed on the street and we were coming form two different directions. Once we met up with Trevor and Cody I was surprised to see that they were with my friends Syren and Godiva as well who are two of my favorite drag queens from vegas. We start heading to Lime which was the bar Phillip and I was at earlier. The whole walk there people were cat calling at Syren and Godiva....I was holding Phillips hand while making out with Trevor and Cody which was super hot!When we got to the bar I ordered 3 shots and 3 cocktails right off the bat to get us started which only cost 5 dollars because we saw our little girl friend from earlier there. Before I know it Cody had bought me another round and then I bought another round, I look over and see Phillip giving some asian woman a lap dance and giving her husband dirty looks. It was fucking awesome. I had already gotten Godiva so fucked up she was passing her drinks to other people while I wasn't looking so she didn't have to drink anymore. At one point Phillip and I did our fake fighting routine where we throw our hands above our head and swing them back and forth but the stupid bitch had crawled up on the booth to be taller and ended up hitting her hand on the mirror. HAHA! We hung out at Lime for quite some time because it was such a fierce spot. I continued being nasty naughty boy with my boys Cody and Trevor and Phillip made his way around to all the hot boys in the place. Around midnight we decided to head out and hit up the next spot.
On the way to the next spot we were all a little hungry so we stopped at the little hot dog stands to get us some hot dogs. I had only wanted one or two but ended up having to buy 6 of them because I shared one with Phillip, gave one to Godiva, shared one with the boys, then threw two of them at people who had something to say about our group. Granted we were quite the spectacle...two big ol drag queens two queeny ass boys and then a marine and a fire fighter. We were bound to get something said about us but once I heard it all bets were off. I hit one dude right in the back of the head with the hot dog which made him turn around and I was just waiting for him to say something but he didn't. Wise man! When we finished eating we headed to The Bar on Castro St but I got separated form the group because I got pulled aside like 5 or 6 times by boys who recognized me from movies and wanted to take photos with me. Once I found the group they were in line for The Bar and informed me that it was 20 a head to get in but by this point I was shit faced drunk and was not paying to get in anywhere. I grabbed Phillips hand and we walked right to the front of the line where I informed them that I was KYLE FOXXX and that as a performer I was not paying to get in when it would benefit them to have me there AND THEY LET US IN. Phillip and I were like WHOA! that is fucking fierce. This is where we lost the rest of the group because they didn't wanna pay 20 a head to get in and I couldn't blame them.
So Phillip and I go to the bar to grab two more shots and two more cocktails (like we needed them) and made our way to the restroom. While waiting in the enormous line Phillip starts talking to this girl about how bad he had to piss and she dared him to piss in this cup to which he did. After filling the cup with piss he looked from side to side before gracefully setting it down on the floor. It was hilarious. We still waited in line because I had to piss and because I'm such a big bitch I couldn't get away with pissing in a cup without being spotted. While in line there was this girl that I thought was really fucking hott and Phillip commenced to telling me I'm a tranny chaser because she looked like a tranny. This isn't the first time he has screamed that at me in the middle of a bar, now granted I do enjoy the occasional hookup with a hot tranny but I do not consider myself a tranny chaser. After pissing I was walking to the sink and slipped and busted my ass but only after hitting the urinal on my way down. Some what in pain I told Phillip that I was just far to drunk and we had to go which he didn't argue because at this time we were falling all over each other. As we were walking down the street there was quite a bit of activity so I am going to pull this part of the story from Phillip's New Blog just because this is a long as entry already so I could use the break....
"as we were walking down the street a friend of mine walked by and i had said hi and we were talking for a quick minute and then this is were WONDER FOXX came out. my friends lil cunty ass bitch friend was like OH NO WE DONT HAVE TIME TO TALK WITH YOU! Then out of no where... a phone was thrown and jacket and WONDER FOXX came and chased that bitch down the street with arms swinging and I'm like please pick his stuff up and give it to me and i kept chatting like nothing was going on and they're telling me to stop my friend and I'm like no cause your friends shouldnt have said that to me and my friend kyle is crazy and so when your friends beat up then ill tell him to stop :) anyways my friend left and i went to kyle and he said bitch i beat that cunt up and i was dieing laughing then i said lets go back to Lime for one more shot and we did and left walking down the street trying to find trevor and the crew cause they had left cause kyle could'nt get them in to The Bar and yeah i just find that stupid and immature and that they got upset for that but anyways we were walking and i seen my boy dak ramesy and jesse zane we made out and then me and kyle got into a big thing about him leaving me to be with trevor and do things with him and this weekend was all about no boyz or menz but then when trevor came around i was in the dust and that made me feel like shit and then i started to cry and he did and then i did and he did lol it was emotional for us and then i called dak again to tell him if we could stay with him and he said no cause he's styaing with a friend and i was like aight we will get home then and so then he started to talk to kyle and there was a lil problem and there was almost round 2 of WONDER FOXX but instead we just walked more but got some cheetos and doritos and sprit and walked down more....."
Once we got home Phillip and I cried again and made up with each other. Then we crawled into our pajama bottoms and ended up laying on the couch together to fall asleep. We were so fucked up that Phillip swore he saw someone at the top of te stairs staring at us and I kept thinking I saw someone walk by the couch so I would jump up swinging and then pass right back out. It was definitely a crazy night but it had nothing on what was to come. The story about the festival takes the cake!
To Be Continued......
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