Jason Sechrest is the host of two "Porn Star Of The Week" shows which feature a weekly headliner to do both gigs. This past week's guest was suppose to be Tyler Mason but since he has mysteriously disappeared and abandoned all of his responsibilities they were forced to find someone to fill in. Jason gave me a call and asked me if I could help him out so I agreed to appear at both shows although Tyler Mason was still the one being advertised.

::Porn Star Games::
The first of the two nights is called Porn Star Games at Here Lounge. The show was definitely unlike anything I had ever done before but I got the hang of it fairly quick, luckily the first half of the show is pretty dead so I could warm up before the crowd started to come in. Jason and his Co-Host James Lent both took turns interviewing me through out the night which was fun to see what kind of questions they would come up with. There was one segment of the show where they have a questionnaire that they have every guest answer and boy were those questions pretty naughty!
In between interviews there were games that gave the audience a chance to win free porn and interact with the Pornstar. They started off with hangman like game where we played a porn on the big screen and the audience had to guess letters to fill in the blanks on the board until someone was able to guess the title of the porn. There was also a segment where the audience could ask me questions and at the end we rewarded the person with the best question, but the best part of the show was by far the Twister game. At the end of the night they select audience members to come up and play Twister with the nearly nude Porn Star which was okay by me. Although I get the feeling that I wasn't suppose to last as long as I did because Jason cut the game short and named the last boy playing with me the winner "since the pornstar can't win" i guess was his excuse *wink*
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