Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Book Worm

::J.K. Rowling::

Just to fit in with the crowd I was first in line to pick up the latest and last installment to the Harry Potter series. Unfortunately for me I wasn't really thinking at the time or I would have bought the book before this one as I haven't read it either. Oh no what am I going to do now. So yea now I have the book just laying on one of my stands just taunting me.

When I was in high school I started reading the series. I was all about Harry Potter back in those days. I anxiously awaited the release of every one of the books up until The Goblet Of Fire which was the last book I read in the series. I guess I just got caught up in the rush of things after graduating high school that I didn't really take a chance to pick up where I left off. God they are producing movies faster than I can read these days.

1 comment:

trav_muroki said...

You really need to catch up honey...