Occupation: College Student
Age: 21
Hometown: Palm Beach, FL
Photo Challenge: Previous Season Scandal

Occupation: Band Manager
Age: 22
Hometown: Detroit, MI
Photo Challenge: Outback Covergirl Commercial
::Attention:: You may have noticed that I haven't posted about Top Model over the past few weeks as I normally would every week after the show. The reason being that I strongly disagree with the elimination of one of the contestants which happens to be one of the girls I have been cheering for. Whitney's performance had been consistently good throughout the competition but was eliminated before girls who hadn't performed so well.
In almost every season of the show there has been a plus size girl in the competition, although they tell the girl that she has just as much chance winning as the others it's still obvious during the challenges and judging that their weight is an issue. They usually keep the girl around for a while to prove she has a chance before letting her go, this season it was completely obvious that the deciding factor in the elimination was based on weight rather than talent. I was disappointed in both the decision made by Tyra Banks (who has been a bit on the big side her damn self) and the fact the show promotes itself as a fair and equal competition which is now bullshit in my eyes.
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