__I am not usually the one to have dreams and remember them in the morning. I dream very lightly and if I'm lucky I may remember bits and pieces from it in the morning. Well the other night I had a dream that kinda stuck with me. I mean it was so off the wall and outrageous I had to stop and ask myself once I woke up if it had really happened. After I told everyone about it I laughed it off and forgot about it, then out of no where I had the same dream last night, now that is some crazy shit.
| The Dream |

__ Okay so the dream starts off in my house where I am having a cup of tea with Paula Abdul (why this B List star I have no idea) and talking about the new season of American Idol. Paula asked me who my favorite was thus far and when I told her she argued with me for a bit before getting mad. Soon we start fist fighting because she had gone so crazy and randomly she busts out into dancing and singing to "Straight Up" just like in the video, out of no where I start to see these big flying spiders start attacking me from every angle. It's like she's the
pied piper of fucking spiders, she points and they attack it was fucking crazy. Once I shake all the spiders off me, I grab one of the pans from the kitchen and knock Paula out and all the spiders disappeared. Thats about all I can remeber before I wake up but it's still crazy huh.

__ Okay so the dream starts off in my house where I am having a cup of tea with Paula Abdul (why this B List star I have no idea) and talking about the new season of American Idol. Paula asked me who my favorite was thus far and when I told her she argued with me for a bit before getting mad. Soon we start fist fighting because she had gone so crazy and randomly she busts out into dancing and singing to "Straight Up" just like in the video, out of no where I start to see these big flying spiders start attacking me from every angle. It's like she's the

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