In case you haven't figured out already I am not that thrilled about the new Speed Racer movie. It's not that I have anything against the story as I was a big fan of the cartoon and loved the idea when I first heard they were making a live action movie. However I was looking forward to seeing Rose McGowan play the role of Trixie which was the original plan, but the studio made the last minute decision to give the role to someone else which I'm sure happens all the time but their reasoning is what really put me over the edge.
The studio released a statement saying they were afraid that Rose McGowan's fans wouldn't recognize her because she had undergone too much plastic surgery and no longer looked like the same girl. I can understand being concerned about the following of the stars of the movie, but to throw in the plastic surgery bit was totally uncalled for. Rose's appearance has indeed improved over the years but it hasn't been such a dramatic change that you can't see that it's her. Her looks have just changed with the times and she has gone a new direction with her appearance, even if she has had some work done it isn't something over the top or too much.
I am aware that this of course has nothing to do with me but being that I absolutely adore Rose in every thing she does, it would be impossible for me to enjoy the movie knowing what could have been. Although I have always enjoyed Cristina Ricci's work as well I just don't think she was right for the role. So in efforts to take a personal stand in the matter I am not going to see the movie and will get many of my friends to do the same, please note that I am aware that it wouldn't really do much but it is more for my piece of mind than anything.