Thursday, January 31, 2008
::BuzzWest:: Isaak
Posted by
8:51 PM
Hamburger Mary's Rentboy Night
Okay so it's a little bit late.....
but hey I am a fairly busy boy and all with the spring semester right around the corner and my search for a full time day job. So the time I have to sit down to the computer over the past few days has been short. Here's a little recap from the other nights Rentboy event at the fabulous Hamburger Mary's
So let me just start by telling you how much I love Hamburger Mary's. There are quite a few reasons for this actually but I will start with the most important one, that being the fucking amazing drinks you can get here at a fairly decent price. The environment here is amazing as well since there are many of our friends and former Rentboy's on staff so it is needless to say that they hook us up something pretty fucking fierce when we are there. Of course I had to save the best for last and I would be talking about no other than the absolutely gorgeous straight bartender they have working every time we have an event there (I think they are working him for a reason *wink*) his name is Todd and he is Hott Hott Hott!
Okay so the night started with me getting to spend a little time with Cool Tom since he was my ride. We had to go check into his hotel first since he had just drive into town which was kinda of a bummer until we saw two of the sexiest boys pull up beside us as we were leaving. They went to check in and instead of leaving we pulled around and took Tom's bags into his room just so we could get a better look at the hott boys and possibly see which room they went into. Once we had our fill of the boys we hit the road and headed towards the restaurant.
When we got there the only other person in our party that was there was our friend Burt. Taking advantage of the time we had alone, we grabbed some food and talked a little about all of our ventures during HustlaBall and such. We got our drinks and continued to talk but by the time the food got there other members of our party had started to arrive. As I tried to inhale my food as fast as possible (you know I can't be seen eating in front of strangers lol) Brandon hands me some things to work on throughout the night, I was responsible for giving wrist bands to the Rentboy's and handing out drink tickets to everyone in our party.
I got to spend time with my friend Julian which is actually the man responsible for introducing me to "mystery man" Levi, and for that I owe him a big thank you. It was actually great to sit down and talk to all the crew in one spot. At HustlaBall we were of course all there but each of us had so much going on that we really didn't see too much of each other. Plus I spent a lot of time with my brother whom I love very much *muah* After finishing up dinner and a few drinks my friends Phillip and Nicole showed up and you know I had to show them off to everyone. Phillip is a cutie pie so I was happy to introduce him and Nicole well she is just fucking fierce all on her own not to mention she is dating Johnny Castle. Hello does it get much better than that?
Posted by
6:59 PM
Labels: HustlaBall, Party, Rentboy
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sin City Affair
Everyone has been giving me such a hard time about the "mystery man" that I hooked up with while in Las Vegas. I guess I kind of brought on myself with all the talk of the amazing body and tremendously hott sex we had. It's nice though because I was able to actually enjoy a good time with a dude and not worry about which sneaky little faggot is going to try to swoop in and steal the goods. I have learned from my mistakes in our group trust me. However after sending me some pretty fucking sexy pictures of himself I just couldn't hold out anymore. I just had to slap a few up on my blog to share with my readers. Ladies and gentlemen meet my friend LEVI!!!!
Posted by
9:50 AM
Labels: Hookup, Hot Boys, HustlaBall, Sin
Good Ol Fashioned Gossip
Now I'm Not Usually One To Call Someone Out......
However in this case I will make an exception. Now I am going to have to take you back a few post to my recap about HustlaBall. Remember Angel Benton was hosting the red carpet and doing interviews with all the VIP guests to the party. Well Angel had interviewed Ricky Cruz for a brief moment and had mentioned that Ricky Cruz was an Helix Studios exclusive, to which Ricky quickly stated was false. Then Angel had asked if he had at least worked for them (as if Angel Benton's knowledge of the porn industry has ever been wrong, but I know Angel was just fishing for the lie) and Ricky had replied "No, I have never worked for them!"
Tsk Tsk Ricky
Monday, January 28, 2008
Upcomming Live Show
I know it's been quite a long time since I have done any work but I figured doing a Live & Raw show wouldn't really be breaking my sabbatical. I always enjoy doing shows with Channel 1 because I love the chat op and we always have such a great time. This will be the only thing I have done on camera in over a year because I am trying to take a little break and get some things together as far as my look goes. I am sure after I get my body fat percentage down a little more I will be right back on the scene.
Dirty Secrets Pool Party
Las Vegas Continued.....
Now I'm not saying that I am any kind of innocent but as far as sex parties go, well they really aren't my thing but I must say that I enjoyed this one. Not so much for the sex because I can honestly say I didn't take much part in any of that but it was just a nice environment and it was fun to watch all the scandal going on around me that's for sure. There were so many hott boys there and they definitely weren't shy about getting naked and showing off the goods.
Being that the night before was HustlaBall it was fairly late in the day when I finally came around to waking up. Unfortunately Elias had already woken up to go to the gym and work out so I was to wake up alone *sigh* but it's okay because I got to wake up to his sexy naked ass every other morning. I took this chance to masturbate since I have been around someone the entire trip I really hadn't gotten the chance to do that much, I mean trust me I gotten off a few times but it was with help *wink*
After wiping the cum off my chest and face
.... I jumped in the shower and got ready for the day. I called everyone on the group to see what their plans were for the day and then called Josh to get a heads up about what time he was going to meet me at the hotel to head over to the pool party. When I was done talking to Josh I got a call back from Tom asking me if I wanted to go to lunch with him and the hott Sacramento boys Cody and Trevor. The original plan was to go to some steak house Tom had been to before but I suggested we eat at Chili's since it is one of my favorite grills. It was nice to sit down with the boys and enjoy a nice meal away from all the craziness that is HustlaBall. I have a crush on one of the Sacramento boys...I just think Cody is so adorable and would do so many dirty things to him hehe.
After getting back to the hotel I took a brief nap before Josh arrived and started beating on the door. That was my cue to start getting ready although it was only a pool party so I just showered again and threw on some jeans and a Rentboy shirt and called it a day. Josh and I rode with Tom since he had to leave the car with his boyfriend Chris. Tom likes to get to events right on time so we were there right as the festivities were getting started. The first thing I did was check my shoes and jacket in the clothing check and headed out to mingle with all the hott boys floating around the grotto. Before I got to comfortable Brandon hunted me down and handed me a stack of Rentboy shirts to get on all the hotties. Of course I handed half of them to Josh to put him to work which to my surprise he was more than happy to do.
When I finished handing out shirts and recruiting boys it was only a few minutes before my pants and shirt came off and I was walking around in my underwear just in case I decided to jump in the pool. My friend Perry showed up with a drink in his hand for me to my surprise but I love him for it, but he didn't stop at one because it wasn't long before I was fairly intoxicated. That's when things got a little wild because I was in and out of the pool and back and forth to the "DARK ROOM" if you can take one guess what really goes on in this room. Josh and I had gotten separated earlier in the night so god knows what he was off doing *wink* but we ran into each other later in the night and shared a few drinks together. Before I knew it they were ushering folks out so I took a minute to look at a clock and it was already around two so I had to hurry to the clothing check room and get my things then meet up with our group so we could head back to the hotel.
Although this really wasn't my kind of party I still really enjoyed myself. It was more for the fact that I got to be around all my friends and that it was a totally different environment to hang out. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy all the hott boys going down on me and visa versa but that wasn't one of my priorities. Sorry this recap is so short but who really reads these things anyway, I mean most of my readers say they just like the pics.
**Angel Benton With Scott Adler**
**Kandy Hanging With Antonio And Cody**
Posted by
12:14 AM
Labels: Friends, HustlaBall, Party, Rentboy
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Humorous Baked Goods
Now I saw this cake the other day when I was filtering through some images for my blog. How fucked up is this dude, I mean getting an abortion is bad enough but can you imagine going to get one and it failing. Although as bad as it may be I can so imagine me baking a cake like this *wink*
Posted by
9:40 PM
::CockyBoys:: Nathan Sommers
Battle Of The Geeks
Wii Take No Prisoners
I don't know what it is about our Wii System but it seems to bring out the worse in Fuckin' Travis but it is quite fun to watch. I don't know if it's just his competitive nature or there is some underlying reason he gets so hostile and aggressive during game play. It is funny though because it's all fun and games while he's winning but the moment it turns around and he falls behind it gets a little wild.
Posted by
3:26 AM
Labels: Around The House, Entertainment, Fuckin Travis, Nintendo Wii
Rainy Day Blues
Posted by
1:49 AM
Excuse To Drink
Now I don't like to think of myself of an alcoholic or anything but there are times when I have to stop for a minute and be like "WHOA! Simmer down now." Today when Travis came home from work I had noticed that we were running low on drinks and the house and there were no tea bags or sugar to make sweet tea, other than the water pitcher the only thing in the fridge to drink was a full bottle of Jack Daniels that I had gotten as a gift but since I don't drink whiskey it just sits in there. After I drank the last of the sweet tea I looked at Travis and said...
Posted by
1:13 AM
Labels: Alcohol, Around The House, Friends, Humor
Saturday, January 26, 2008
::Rentboy:: Moreno
Posted by
11:55 PM
The Hustlaball Recap
HustlaBall Las Vegas 08The day of HustlaBall was probably one of the longest days I've had in quite some time. Elias and I were out late the night before at the Pre Party so we didn't get to bed until early in the morning but were still awakened fairly early by Fabrice calling to tell us to meet them at Krave to do some setup. After throwing on some clothes and cleaning up a little bit we headed out but called my friend Tom first to make plans to eat lunch before working.
When we got to the club things were a bit a mess already and Fabrice and Brandon were right behind everyone barking orders. Before even making one gift bag though I grabbed Tom and the hott Sacramento boys Cody and Trevor to go to the chinese buffet for some quick lunch. Tom and I indulged in some of the Mongolian Grill stir fry that the buffet had to offer which was fucking amazing. After we finished up our lunch the boys and I headed back to Krave to help get some work done.
The inside of the bar at this time was a absolute mess with gift bag particles everywhere and banners and posters lying around waiting to be hung up. Unfortunately for us Krave had rented out the space early in the day before HustlaBall had started so we had to roll up all the banners and posters once we hung them up, it was actually quite a pain in the ass. After hanging a few banners with Elias I worked my way over to what had become a assembly line of making gift bags. While making gift bags I had a chance to catch up with Zack Rockwood a little more as well as meet the beautiful Sean Preston who is quickly becoming one of my favorite boys to jerk too. After a few hours of making gift bags and setting up we were finally able to wrap things up and head back to the hotel to get ready for the nights festivities.

When we arrived it was already fucking crazy busy outside the club and only getting more busy as it got later. The red carpet had already started and Angel Benton was already putting his interviewing skills to use. Now the idea was that everyone was going to go down the red carpet (well all the VIP guests that is) and then we were all going to go into the VIP party that was the kickoff of the evening. However this was no easy feat because it took at least an hour or two just to get through everyone but once inside it was fucking fierce. My job through out the night was to both recruit hott boys to post an ad on Rentboy as well as find some of the hottest boys in the bar and give them tickets to get a free picture in the fierce picture booth. I must say that one of the best parts of the trip for me though was to spend this time with my brother doing something that is very important to me and seeing how much he enjoyed being a part of that with me.
Once everyone integrated to the main part of the club things got a little more scandalous and I started to bump into alot of my friends. Now I hadn't really been drinking too terribly much because I was working but my friend Perry has this thing about seeing cute boys with "empty hands" so he ended up providing me with drinks throughout the night which ended up taking me to whole new level. I had been making a lot of bathroom trips because of all the drinks I had but that turned into a good thing because on one of my trips to the bathroom is when i got to meet the FUCKING FABULOUS Meana Archer who quickly became one of my new best friends. Let me just take a second to tell you how much I have grown to love this fabulous lady in the short amount of time I have known her. Everyone knows I use to do drag for quite some time and still do have a place for it in my heart, meeting Meana and spending time hanging out with her just reminds me of everything that I know a fierce bitch should be and that's something I haven't seen in quite some time.
Around four or so in the morning things had finally started to die down a little so Josh and I talked about what we wanted to do. Eventually we decided to go hit up the after hours party which so happened to be a CockBlock Party they were having right behind Krave in Planet Hollywood. Elias and Josh were really enjoying the party but I had been to so many CockBlock parties before it just wasn't appealing to me anymore so we didn't end of staying very long. After we made our rounds through the party we headed back to HustlaBall downstairs and met up with some friends we had met earlier in the night. It was only a short time before it died down dramatically and we decided to call it a night, well more like a morning since it was already daylight.
It was a really great night and an even better experience. This was my first HustlaBall I actually got to attend since I just turned 21 and I must say it was definitely well worth the wait. Between all the wonderful people I was able to meet and the time I got to spend with Josh (since I haven't really seen him since his return from Turkey)..I can't think of a better to kickoff the new year that's for sure. Stay tuned for more on the Dirty Secrets and the InSINuate party....
**Cherry Peck With Howard And Dean**
**Sexy Elias With Cody Springs**
**Kyle Foxxx With Josh On Red Carpet**

**Kyle Foxxx With Trevor And Antonio**
**Angel Interviews Meana With Syren And Godiva**
Posted by
7:25 PM
Labels: Hookers, HustlaBall, Party, Rentboy
Friday, January 25, 2008
Night Out On The Town
Friday, January 25
7:00PM Until Closing
The time has come again for us to enjoy an evening of fun and scandal in a more subtle environment. That's right I am talking about a night out at Hamburger Mary's with all the Escorts from the Rentboy crew and the clients that love us. Last time it was a super blast and it was a good chance to get out with all the boys and see what it's like to have an event where there isn't **OONC OONC ** music blasting in the background and it's possible to sit back and enjoy the event.
I am hoping to see all of my friends and associates out there. It would be great to see some of my readers out there as well. So if you not doing anything tonight then grab a quick shower and meet us out at Hamburger Mary's around 7 or so. If you have any questions you can shoot me a message or call me.
::UKNakedMen:: Alex

Posted by
5:15 PM
Labels: Hot Boys, Sin, UK Naked Men
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Worlds Cutest Couple
Server Chris
**Krave Server/Security**
During my trip to Las Vegas I finally got the chance to meet my brother's boyfriend Chris who is absolutely adorable. They make such a cute couple and it makes me sick to my stomach, not that I'm not happy for them at all but you know I'm a hooker and pornstar who seems to be destined to be alone so excuse my bitterness. I enjoyed spending time with them and hanging out with Chris since he is so important to Josh. Although I must admit that there was a point during HustlaBall itself where I was a little iritated with the two of them fighting but I was proud of myself for butting out and not putting my two cents in.
The two of them had a party on like Monday while I was there which turned out to be pretty fucking fun and I got to tour Chris's beautiful house. Although he has like 3 roommates and a drag queen sleeping on his couch, but in all he has a beautiful home and I am jealous of that! The three of us were drinking beer all night just having a good ol time until Josh and I got a little too drunk and started making bets but I will explain more about that later. I enjoyed the time I spent with both Josh and Chris and am glad to see that it is still possible to have a healthy relationship in the gay community.
Posted by
5:53 PM
HustlaBall Pre Party

Now Piranha is actually one of the fiercest bars in Las Vegas because they have two separate areas that play different music. One side spins Hip Hop and the other spins House/Dance music..and it's funny how they both have two totally different sets of people in them. Josh and I spent most of our time on the Hip Hop side as that's where all the action was going down. Zack Rockwood was on stage dancing for a while which was fucking hott. Can I just take a moment to tell you how much I adore Zack Rockwood and not just for his looks, but he is an amazing guy. Everytime we have hung out together we have had a great time just being crazy and seeing what kinda trouble we can get into *wink*
The best part about the night was when Brandon had worked his magic and got them to open the whole second floor VIP area only to the Rentboy that was fucking FIERCE! Once the upstairs opened and we were allotted a space away from the common folk, well lets just say thats when the scandal started. In each one of the three VIP cabanas was some pornstar or hooker naked with something going on...not to spread any gossip but it was quite hott if I do say so myself. Aside from Howard trying to force his whole hand up my ass I was actually the innocent one for once. Jason Carter was walking around looking all sexy with his new girlfriend Kandy who happens to be FUCKING AWESOME but you can read the full blog entry about this bitch later because thats how fierce she is!
After things wrapped up around four or so in the morning the group decided to head over to Gipsy which is the sister bar to Piranha and is located right next door. By this time I had already grown sleepy so Josh, Elias, and I decided to call it a night especially since Josh had to be early for work the next morning. It was already Friday morning and we needed to get our rest for the big event...HUSTLABALL!
**Zack Rockwood Saying Time Out**
**Zack Rockwood With Trevor Jayden**
**Kyle Foxx Hiding Behind Angel Benton**
Posted by
4:00 PM
Labels: Events, HustlaBall, Party, Rentboy